Wednesday, June 1, 2016

MerMay: Completed!

I recently finished up a successful #MerMay, which was a lovely excuse to draw mermaids each and every day for the entire month of May. Having completed other draw-a-day marathons, I wanted to give this one a go. One theme the entire month seemed intriguing, let alone a theme so near and dear to my heart having grown up with a certain Disney VHS on endless repeat.

I tried to play around with more narrative-driven poses, and as a result I really felt those drawing muscles being tested. Even with art as a career, I found it difficult to not only find time to do a drawing, but to do a drawing that didn't feel lazy or easy. This was quite the undertaking, and I can honestly say I learned a lot through the duration of the month. Ironically, my favorite pieces are the ones that frustrated me the most!

Check out my Instagram for the full lineup, but below are a few favorites:

Here's to MerMay 2017!

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